
; Jade Yu Cheng
; ICS 312
; Assignment 7 Exercise 3
; April 24, 2009

; The program driver_ex3.c defines the main function. It takes one command-line
; argument, which is a floating point number strictly larger than .5. The
; program then calls a function called compute_ln that computes the natural
; logarithm function.

%include "asm_io.inc"

%define x       dword [ebp + 8]         ; define x to be the argument
%define item    dword [ebp - 4]         ; local var that stores (x-1)/x
%define counter dword [ebp - 8]         ; local var used to swap integer

segment .text
        global  compute_ln
        push    ebp                     ; setup
        mov     ebp, esp                ; setup
        push    ebx                     ; setup reserve ebx
        sub     esp, 8                  ; set up space for 2 local vars

        fld1                            ; st0 = 1
        fsub    x                       ; st0 = 1-x
        fstp    item                    ; item = 1-x
        fldz                            ; st0 = 0
        fsub    item                    ; st0 = x-1
        fdiv    x                       ; st0 = (x-1)/x
        fst     item                    ; item = (x-1)/x
        fld     item                    ; st0 = st1 = (x-1)/x, old sum and ele
        mov     ebx, 0                  ; loop counter
        cmp     ebx, 100000             ; loop 100000 times
        jz      add_loop_end
        inc     ebx                     ; increment the loop counter

        fxch    st1                     ; first work on item to item_new
        fmul    item                    ; st0 = ((x-1)/x)^n
        mov     counter, ebx            ; st0 = ((x-1)/x)^n*(n-1)
        fimul   counter
        inc     counter                 ; st0 = ((x-1)/x)^n*(n-1)/n
        fidiv   counter

        fxch    st1                     ; then work on updating the summation
        fadd    st1                     ; add the new item to the old summation
        jmp     add_loop

        add     esp, 8
        pop     ebx                     ; clean up
        mov     esp, ebp                ; clean up
        pop     ebp                     ; clean up
        ret                             ; clean up
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