package edu.hawaii.ics.yucheng;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

 * A static class that parses the join sql statement.
 * @author Cheng Jade
 * @assignment ICS 421 Assignment 2-2
 * @date Mar 19, 2010
 * @bugs None
public class ParseSQL {
    /** the overall statement */
    final String sql;

    /** the overall qualifications and two for selection push down. */
    final ArrayList<String> table1QualificationColumns = new ArrayList<String>();
    final ArrayList<String> table2QualificationColumns = new ArrayList<String>();

    /** target columns to display in the join. */
    final String[] targetColumns;

    /** columns for projection push down. */
    final ArrayList<String> table1RelevantColumns = new ArrayList<String>();
    final ArrayList<String> table2RelevantColumns = new ArrayList<String>();

    /** target tables. */
    final String tableName1;
    final String tableName2;

    /** where clause */
    final String whereClause;

     * Parse the input file containing the sql statement into desired fields.
     * @param path
     *            The path that contains the sql file.
     * @throw ProgramException Fail to parse due to different formating reasons.
    public ParseSQL(final String path) throws ProgramException {
        assert null != path;
        try {
            final FileReader reader = new FileReader(path);
            final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(reader).useDelimiter("\\Z");
            final String sqlFile ="\n|\r", " ");

            final String[] sqls = sqlFile.split(";");

            if (sqls.length != 1)
                throw new ProgramException("Invalid SQL, program supports only one sql statement");

            sql = sqls[0];
            // grab key word each line.
            final int selectIndex = (sql.indexOf("SELECT") != -1) ? sql.indexOf("SELECT") : sql.indexOf("select");
            final int fromIndex = (sql.indexOf("FROM") != -1) ? sql.indexOf("FROM") : sql.indexOf("from");
            final int whereIndex = (sql.indexOf("WHERE") != -1) ? sql.indexOf("WHERE") : sql.indexOf("where");

            if (selectIndex == -1)
                throw new ProgramException("Invalid SQL, missing the SELECT clause");
            if (fromIndex == -1)
                throw new ProgramException("Invalid SQL, missing the from clause");

            // set up table names and their aliases.
            final String from = sql.substring(fromIndex, whereIndex).trim().substring(4).trim();

            final String[] tableNames = parseQualifications(from);

            if (tableNames.length != 2)
                throw new ProgramException("Invalid SQL, '" + from + "' program supports two tables");
            final TableNamePair table1 = tableNameAlias(tableNames[0]);
            final TableNamePair table2 = tableNameAlias(tableNames[1]);
            tableName1 = table1.tableName;
            tableName2 = table2.tableName;
            String table1Alias = table1.alias;
            String table2Alias = table2.alias;

            // replace aliases in select and where clauses.
            String select = sql.substring(selectIndex, fromIndex).trim().substring(6).trim();
            select = select.replaceAll(table1Alias + ".", tableName1 + ".");
            select = select.replaceAll(table2Alias + ".", tableName2 + ".");
            String where = sql.substring(whereIndex).trim().substring(5).trim();
            where = where.replaceAll(table1Alias + ".", tableName1 + ".");
            where = where.replaceAll(table2Alias + ".", tableName2 + ".");

            // set up table qualification columns and parse to each node.
            targetColumns = parseQualifications(select);
            String modifiedWhere = where.replaceAll("( (a|A)(n|N)(d|D)) | ((o|O)(r|R) )", " , ");
            whereClause = "WHERE " + where;

            // set up relevant columns.
            modifiedWhere = modifiedWhere.replace("=", " , ");
            final ArrayList<String> allColumns = new ArrayList<String>();
            String[] allColumnsWhere = parseQualifications(modifiedWhere);
            for (String item : allColumnsWhere)
            for (String item : targetColumns)

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new ProgramException(e.getMessage(), e);


     * Use the CSV parser to parse a comma separated string and return an array.
     * @param key
     *            The string to be parsed.
     * @throw ProgramException Fail to parse the string.
     * @return An array of strings.
    private String[] parseQualifications(final String key) throws ProgramException {
        Reader stream = new StringReader(key);
        return CSVParser.parse(stream);

     * Append a column to either table1RelevantColumns or table2RelevantColumns
     * based on whether they contain tableName1 or tableName2.
     * @param columns
     *            The list of columns to be examined.
    private void separateRelevantColumns(ArrayList<String> columns) {
        for (String item : columns) {
            if (item.contains(tableName1))
            if (item.contains(tableName2))

     * Append a qualification entry to either table1QualificationColumns or
     * table2QualificationColumns based on whether they only contain tableName1
     * or tableName2. An qualification entry might be in neither
     * table1QualificationColumns nor table2QualificationColumns. In this case,
     * the qualification should not be used for selection push down since it
     * involves more than one table.
     * @param qualifications
     *            The list of qualifications to be examined.
    private void separateQualifications(String[] qualifications) {
        for (String item : qualifications) {
            if (item.contains(tableName1) && !item.contains(tableName2))
            if (item.contains(tableName2) && !item.contains(tableName1))

     * A private class that group table name and its alias together.
    private class TableNamePair {
        final String tableName;
        final String alias;

        public TableNamePair(final String tableName, final String alias) {
            this.tableName = tableName;
            this.alias = alias;

     * Method takes a table name in the format "tableName an alias" or
     * "tableName alias" and return a TableNamePair that contains "tableName" 
     * and "alias".
     * @param tableName 
     *            The table name in the format of "tableName as alias" or
     *            "tableName alias".
     * @return A TableNamePair that contains "tableName" and "alias". 
    private TableNamePair tableNameAlias(String tableName) throws ProgramException {
        String[] result = tableName.split(" ");
        int size = result.length;
        if (size > 3)
            throw new ProgramException("Invaild SQL, '" + tableName + "' table name can have only one alias");
        if (size == 1)
            return new TableNamePair(tableName, null);
        tableName = result[0].trim();
        if (size == 2)
            return new TableNamePair(tableName, result[1].trim());
        if (!result[1].equalsIgnoreCase("as"))
            throw new ProgramException("Invaild SQL, '" + tableName + "' invalid alias syntax");
        return new TableNamePair(tableName, result[2].trim());

     * A test main method to test the implementation.
     * @param args
     *            The command line arguments.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        assert null != args;

        // Print usage information, if wrong number of arguments were used.
        if (args.length != 1) {
            final String name = ParseSQL.class.getSimpleName();
            System.err.println("Usage: java " + name + " <path>");
            System.err.println("       <path> path to a SQL file");

        // call the parse and print each field.
        try {
            ParseSQL sql = new ParseSQL(args[0]);
            for (String item : sql.table1RelevantColumns)
                System.out.println("\t'" + item + "'");
            for (String item : sql.table2RelevantColumns)
                System.out.println("\t'" + item + "'");
            for (String item : sql.table1QualificationColumns)
                System.out.println("\t'" + item + "'");
            for (String item : sql.table2QualificationColumns)
                System.out.println("\t'" + item + "'");
            for (String item : sql.targetColumns)
                System.out.println("\t'" + item + "'");
            System.out.println("tableName1: '" + sql.tableName1 + "'");
            System.out.println("tableName2: '" + sql.tableName2 + "'");
            System.out.println("whereClause: '" + sql.whereClause + "'");
        } catch (final ProgramException e) {

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