ICS 211 TA Homepage Spring 2010

General Information

TA:Jade Cheng  成玉  (yucheng@hawaii.edu)
Instructor:Edo Biagioni (esb@hawaii.edu)
Course:Introduction to Computer Science II, ICS 211
TA Office:POST Building Room 303-3 (cubicle 3)
TA Hours:Tuesday 12:20-1:20 pm
Thursday 12:20-1:20 pm
Or by appointment

Lab Information

Lab Location:POST Building Room 319
Time:Section 2: Tuesday and Tursday 4:30-5:45 pm
Section 3: Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:15 pm

Some General Points

Assignment Submission Policies

You should submit homework via email to yucheng@hawaii.edu. The TA will not review, correct, or grade code before the submission date, but if you bring your work to the lab or the TA’s office, the TA will help you at these times.

The due date for assignments will be on Sunday by 11:59 pm, but this time is subject to change. Late assignments will receive zero points. If they are submitted, however, the TA will assess them for your benefit.

Please follow the following instructions when submitting assignments. Failure to do so may affect your grade.

  1. Top of your assignment:
     * Short description of program.
     * @author        Last Name, First Name
     * @assignment    ICS 211 Assignment X
     * @date          Today's Date
     * @link          For applets, include the link to your HTML
     *                page that displays your applet
     * @bugs          Short description of bugs in program
  2. Filename of your assignment:

    (Note: For example, SuzukiBubba1.java would be submitted for the first assignment if Bubba Suzuki were submitting it.)

  3. "To" field of e-mail:

    The TA's email address: yucheng@hawaii.edu. Do not send your assignment to the instructor.

  4. "Cc" field of e-mail:

    Your UH UNIX email address. That way, if the TA doesn't get your email for some reason, you have proof that it was sent.

  5. Subject of email:
    [211] assignment number

    For example: [211] assignment 1

  6. Body of email:

    Copy and paste the latest version of your program. That way, we have your program even if you forgot to attach it.

  7. Attachments:

    Attach your LastnameFirstnameX.java file. Do not submit the LastnameFirstnameX.class file or a zip file.

  8. After you send your email:

    Be sure to double-check your assignment submission by opening the email that you sent to the TA, downloading the attached program, and compiling and running the program to make sure it works and that it is the program that you intended to submit. You are responsible for sending the correct program. No excuses will be accepted.

  9. Multiple submissions:

    You may submit an assignment more than one time. Only the most recent assignment submitted before the deadline will be graded. If you cannot make the deadline, then turn in what you have before the deadline for partial credit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about the assignments are located here.

Grading Guidelines

-35Program does not meet specifications or does not address the intended implementation as specified in the assignment. Program is incomplete.
-35The program doesn't compile or crashes (has runtime errors), because of syntax errors, procedural errors, or insufficient error handling.
-15The program runs as intended with numerous logic errors.
-10Not following the ICS Java Coding Standard, unless otherwise specified in the assignment. This includes appropriate use of comments (every 3-5 lines).
-5The program runs as intended with minor logic errors.

See ICS Java Coding Standard for coding syle and guidelines.

Assignments and Example Reports

AssignmentImplementationExample Report


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