Here is your score for Assignment 12.
Score: TBD
Let me know if you have any questions regarding your score. And let me know if you want a copy of an example implementation for the assignment.
Grading Guidelines
Test Results for Assignment 12
# javac -Xlint:all *.java
--> EXIT CODE: 0 <--
# java ChengJade12
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: ics
Please enter phone number: 111
Warning: '111' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'ics' with phone number '111'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: edo
Please enter phone number: 222
Warning: '222' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'edo' with phone number '222'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: display
# Name Phone Number
1 edo 222
2 ics 111
The current table size is: 3
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: ics
ics's phone number is 111.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: delete
Please enter the name to remove: ics
Removed 'ics' from the phone book.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: display
# Name Phone Number
1 edo 222
The current table size is: 3
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: quit
--> EXIT CODE: 0 <--
# java ChengJade12
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: ror
Please enter phone number: 111
Warning: '111' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'ror' with phone number '111'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: gxh
Please enter phone number: 222
Warning: '222' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'gxh' with phone number '222'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: display
# Name Phone Number
1 ror 111
2 gxh 222
The current table size is: 7
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: quit
--> EXIT CODE: 0 <--
# java ChengJade12
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: uyi
Please enter phone number: 111
Warning: '111' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'uyi' with phone number '111'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: aoi
Please enter phone number: 222
Warning: '222' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'aoi' with phone number '222'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: display
# Name Phone Number
1 uyi 111
2 aoi 222
The current table size is: 127
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: quit
--> EXIT CODE: 0 <--
# java ChengJade12
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: ics
Please enter phone number: 111
Warning: '111' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'ics' with phone number '111'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: edo
Please enter phone number: 222
Warning: '222' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'edo' with phone number '222'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: aha
Please enter phone number: 333
Warning: '333' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'aha' with phone number '333'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: display
# Name Phone Number
1 aha 333
2 edo 222
3 ics 111
The current table size is: 7
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: quit
--> EXIT CODE: 0 <--
# java ChengJade12
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: ctd
Please enter phone number: 111
Warning: '111' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'ctd' with phone number '111'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: zkj
Please enter phone number: 222
Warning: '222' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'zkj' with phone number '222'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: eiw
Please enter phone number: 333
Warning: '333' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'eiw' with phone number '333'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: iqr
Please enter phone number: 444
Warning: '444' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'iqr' with phone number '444'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: display
# Name Phone Number
1 ctd 111
2 iqr 444
3 zkj 222
4 eiw 333
The current table size is: 15
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: quit
--> EXIT CODE: 0 <--
# java ChengJade12
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: Nri
Please enter phone number: 111
Warning: '111' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'Nri' with phone number '111'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: OSi
Please enter phone number: 222
Warning: '222' does not look like a valid phone number.
Error: Cannot add 'OSi' because another entry with a different
name exists in the hash table and produces the same hash code.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: display
# Name Phone Number
1 Nri 111
The current table size is: 3
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: quit
--> EXIT CODE: 0 <--
# java ChengJade12
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: --> EXIT CODE: 0 <--
# java ChengJade12
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: insert
Please enter the name to add: jade
Please enter phone number: 111
Warning: '111' does not look like a valid phone number.
Inserted 'jade' with phone number '111'.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: cheng
The name 'cheng' does not exist.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: delete
Please enter the name to remove: cheng
The name 'cheng' does not exist.
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: display
# Name Phone Number
1 jade 111
The current table size is: 3
Choose one of the four options:
1) Type 'quit' to exit the program.
2) Type 'insert' to add a new contact.
3) Type 'delete' to delete a contact.
4) Type 'display' to show the phone book.
5) Type a name to show a phone number.
Your option: quit
--> EXIT CODE: 0 <--