ICS 241 TA Homepage Fall 2009

General Information

TA:Jade Cheng  成玉  (yucheng@hawaii.edu)
Instructor:Kyungim Baek (kyungim@hawaii.edu)
Course:Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science II
TA Office:POST Building Room 303-3 (cubicle 3)
TA Hours:Tuesday 11:00 to 12:00
Thursday 11:00 to 12:00


Recurrence relations and their solutions, divide-and-conquer relations, equivalences and partitions, elementary notions of the graph theory, connectedness, subgraphs and isomorphisms of graphs, shortest path problems, trees and their applications, tree traversal, spanning trees, Boolean algebra, introduction to formal languages, and automata theory.

Lecture Schedule (tentative)

Week 1 (8/24, 26)Introduction, Programming Correctness
Week 2 (8/31, 9/2)Recurrence relation, Divide-and-ConquerHomework 0
Week 3 (9/9)Inclusion and Exclusion, Relations
Week 4 (9/14, 16)n-ary Relations, Closure of RelationsHomework 1
Week 5 (9/21, 23)Equivalence Relations, Exam I
Week 6 (9/28, 30)Partial OrderingHomework 2
Week 7 (10/5, 7)Graphs: Representation & Isomorphism
Week 8 (10/12, 14)Graph Connectivity, Euler and Hamiltonian PathsHomework 3
Week 9 (10/19, 21)Shortest Path Problems, Exam II
Week 10 (10/26, 28)Planar Graphs, GraphColoring, Trees, Tree TraversalHomework 4
Week 11 (11/2, 4)Spanning Trees, Minimum Spanning Trees
Week 12 (11/9)Boolean AlgebraHomework 5
Week 13 (11/16, 18)Boolean Algebra, Exam III
Week 14 (11/23, 35)Languages and Grammars, Finite-State Machines
Week 15 (11/30, 12/2)Language RecognitionHomework 6
Week 16 (12/7, 9)Turing Machines, Review


No makeup exams. A missed exam will be credited as a zero.

Late Policy

If you hand in late work without the approval of the instructor, you may receive zero credit. Homework is due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date.

Cooperation on Assignment

You are allowed to discuss strategies for solving assignments with other students, but collaboration on solutions/code and the sharing or copying of solutions/code is not allowed. This policy will be strictly enforced.

Cheating will be punished with an F grade and reported to the dean. (This policy will be equally applied to those who copy other’s work and those who allow their work to be copied.)

You may consult public literature (books, articles, etc.) for information, but you must cite each source of ideas you adopt.

Lecture Notes


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